Arkiv för: 2016.12

Optidev Gives back

Every year, Optidev and its customers make sure that hundreds of thousands of Christmas gifts are delivered on time and to the right children all around Sweden. In a sense, Optidev’s office is hectic like Santa’s workshop with full activity right up until Christmas.

In addition to making sure Swedish children get their Christmas gifts, Optidev makes a donation to Monica and Carl-Axel Ekman’s Garissa foundation. Garissa focuses on helping the most vulnerably girls in eastern Kenya and operates several orphanages and schools for girls, providing them a safe home and education. Garissa fights to prevent genital mutilation of girls, which is illegal but still common in Kenya.

New coworker

Hi Niclas Gerhardsson, what is your new role at Optidev?

– In my new role, I am supporting Optidev’s sales organization. With a background in the transport and logistics industry, I understand the customer’s perspective and challenges, and can be a link between Optidev’s engineers and our customers.

– What strengths do you think Optidev have?

Optidev is good at listening to the customer’s needs and delivers efficient turnkey solutions. Optidev takes full responsibility for the solution and the customer can be assured that the system is always up and running.

– What are you looking forward to the most in your new job?

The most exciting part of my new job is to address the customers’ challenges and turn them into opportunities with smart solutions from Optidev.


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