Rusta has around 100 stores in Sweden and Norway, offering a broad selection of affordable, functional and trendy home and leisure products. The company is very successful and has grown rapidly, resulting in significant investments in new technology. Rusta uses mobile computers to streamline the store operation.
Rusta selects Optidev again
Following a bidding process, Rusta once again decided to work with Optidev to deliver mobile computers for use in all the stores. Rusta selected the Motorola MC3190 mobile computer with Wi-Fi connectivity and a bar code reader.
TrueMobile Hardware & Services includes hardware, service, support, and consulting services. Optidev’s experienced technicians and consultants provide service and support to quickly resolve problems. Optidev’s ServiceWeb portal simplifies the handling of devices that need repairs.
ServiceWeb gives Rusta full visibility of all devices that need repair and the status of the repairs. In addition, the web portal has an inventory of all installed units and their location. It helps protect the investment and minimizes the risk while optimizing the system performance. Optidev offers a service contract for all mobile computers and Wi-Fi access points in the stores. Did you deliver this type of hardware and services?